Staying Connected

We want to hear from you! Please email us anytime if you'd like to talk about an issue that's important to you. Advocacy means speaking up about issues that are important to your community, and we're ready to help families at Redmond HS do just that.



Help Improve Outcomes for Students

Be Our PTSA Advocacy Chair

Want to learn more about state education and funding policies, and then help inform the RHS community? This is a great volunteer position for busy parents who can't be at school but want to make a difference at the state and local levels. You can start small with emails to members about taking the Annual Survey, on ballot measures, events like PTA focus Day and education bills in Olympia. All the info will be sent to you via email.

Attend the WSPTA Legislative Assembly meeting in October to learn more about being an advocacy chair. No experience needed -- just an hour or so a week will make a big different to the students at RHS, the Lake Washington School District, and together we can make a difference in Washington State Public Schools.

Contact if you're interested and the President or VP of Volunteers will follow-up with you.


Register to Vote

Voter registration in Washington state is online and voting is by mail. Register to vote today!

Click here to register!


Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly & Listserv

Two-day Legislative Assembly

The top five reasons to attend legislative assembly:

  1. Hear from inspiring speakers and learn about the legislative accomplishments WSPTA had last year.
  2. Add our PTSAs voice to the state legislative platform for the coming year.
  3. Attend education sessions to learn about the proposed issues and resolutions and about advocacy at all levels state, district, and local.
  4. Network with other PTA leaders and collaborate towards making a difference in your local area.
  5. Because its FUN!

Learn more at WA State PTA.

Washington State PTA Legislative Listserv

Join the WSPTA Legislative Listserv by sending an email to and asking to subscribe in real time (as messages are posted) or in digest form (one email per day).

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