Redmond High School PTSA counts on your support!


Become a Redmond HS PTSA Member today!



Membership provides:
  • Enrichment activities for students, grant funds for teachers, and much more!
  • Voting rights at membership meetings
  • Great discounts from Washington State PTA, including Great Wolf Lodge, the Washington State Fair, car rentals and more!
  • Affiliation with National PTA
Yearly Membership Costs:
  • $20 for an individual membership.
    Each additional household member is only $12.
  • $0 FREE individual memberships to remove financial barriers are available without any application process!
  • Student rate: $12
  • Staff rate: $12
  • $0 FREE staff memberships are available without any application process!
* Memberships purchased are for the current school year and will need to be renewed each fall.


What does Redmond High School PTSA do at RHS?

  • Adult Education
  • Associated Student Body
    (ASB) Support
  • Beautification
  • Communications & Resources
  • Education Advocacy

  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Grad Night
  • Practice ACT & SAT tests
    (with Enhanced Prep)
  • Reflections Art Contest
  • Scholarships
  • School / Classroom Grants
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Sustainability
  • WSPTA Essay Contest

Reasons to Join the PTSA

  • To Benefit Your Child - The number one reason to join the PTSA is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school. But there are many more advantages. 
  • Get Connected - There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
  • Discover Great Resources - The PTSA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
  • Tap into a Network - Parenting is not easy. It helps to share ideas, concerns and experiences with other parents and educators in the community. PTSA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind.
  • Watch Yourself Grow by joining with your PTSA - If you have time to volunteer, you gain valuable experiences. It’s an opportunity to put your skills and hobbies to good use for a good cause—your child and all children in the community.
  • Speak Up - The PTSA is a forum for exchanging ideas; you are encouraged to make suggestions.
  • Witness Improvement - By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping make positive changes. Local PTSAs play an important role in fundraising to provide building improvements, curriculum-based programs and social events – all vital to a school’s success.
  • Be a Role Model - Set a good example for your kids by being involved yourself. By becoming a PTSA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.


Top 10 Myths about Joining the PTSA

  • Only moms and teachers need to join the PTSA. No way! A strong PTSA needs the support of everyone: parents, grandparents, family members, teachers, school staff, and the community. Anyone who cares about children belongs in the PTSA!
  • Joining the PTSA means I have to volunteer. Absolutely not! Every person has a different capacity to give and
    be involved. The PTSA appreciates everyone’s membership, whether or not a member can volunteer their time and talents.
  • I must be a board member or chair a committee to join the PTSA. Nope! Some of our most valued PTSA members have never held a leadership position. Your support will suffice!
  • PTSA membership never expires. I only have to join once. Each new school year begins a new PTSA membership year and you need to renew yearly.
  • I don’t have the time to join the PTSA. “Joining the PTSA” is not about volunteering. It’s about advocacy. Your decision to purchase a PTSA membership is significant all by itself. You can also make a financial contribution to support events and activities for the students throughout the year. 
  • I’ll get roped into volunteering if I attend a PTSA meeting. Nope, no pressure to volunteer. We just appreciate the chance to talk with you, provide updates and get fresh, new ideas, and support!
  • The PTSA is only for stay-at-home parents with nothing else to do. Your fellow PTSA members are family and community members who want to support the kids and the school. Every member is juggling family, jobs, household chores, kids, sports, and homework, just like you!
  • My child’s life will be the same whether or not I join the PTSA. Not only does membership put you in direct communication with other parents and teachers, it shows your child that you are invested in their educational experience. Research has proven that parental involvement within the child’s school increases academic achievements and decreases behavior issues.
  • The PTSA has all the help they need. The PTSA always wants and always needs volunteers! If you choose to volunteer, you decide your time commitment!
  • I have an idea, but the PTSA isn’t interested. Nothing could be further from the truth! New ideas, and new friends, are always welcome! It is important to keep our PTSA fresh and exciting!

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