Redmond PTSA has partnered with The Princeton Review to provide the opportunity for student to take a “just for practice” ACT and/or SAT test.
These full-length practice tests, administered by The Princeton Review, offer students the opportunity to practice test taking strategies and determine baseline scores prior to taking the official SAT and ACT college entrance exams. Tests results are provided back to the students in the form of a detailed Score Report that identifies individual strengths and areas for improvement. Scores are not reported to anyone other than the student. Students can sign up either for fall and/or spring to take these tests.
Students should try taking both these tests to see which they like better and prepare for either SAT or ACT. Colleges may use either SAT or ACT scores as one of the criteria in their admission process.
This year, we are offering many different options for the tests. For the SAT, there is the option to take the original SAT format (online only) or the new digital format (online or in-person at RHS). For the ACT, students can choose to take the tests online or in-person at RHS. Most online tests can be taken by students anytime from their home for up to 4 weeks from the commencement of the exam dates. Online tests will offer an accommodation for time. Students with time accommodation can take advantage of this option and sign up for an online practice test. For in-person tests, students will have to take the test at RHS on the set test date and time mentioned below. There will be no time flexibility provided.
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New format later this year - The official College Board SAT Exam will be moving to a digital test starting in March 2024. For more information, visit the official College Board website at Princeton Review also has additional information at
What is the difference between the practice tests offered by Princeton Review and the PSAT offered by school in fall?
Every year, the College Board offers the PSAT to all 10th graders for free as a practice. All 10th graders are automatically signed up at their respective schools. This exam date is published by the College Board in advance and generally takes place in mid-October on a Wednesday at their high school. Details of this exam are shared through the school newsletter. 11th graders can also take this exam, but they have to pay an exam fee to RHS bookkeeper. These exam scores can determine if the 11th graders qualify for National Merit scholarship (this is a very small percentage of students who qualify). The practice tests by Princeton Review are organized by RHS PTSA and have a $25 fee for all highschoolers of any grade. These are diagnostic tests prepared by Princeton Review and RHS PTSA helps to organize them for our RHS students and other highschoolers in our area. They typically take place in fall and spring. You pay this fee through the RHS PTSA website. These tests take place on Saturday mornings at RHS.